Monday, October 6, 2008

Mr. Independent

Tom and Ryan were having a discussion about the length of Ryan's shirts this past weekend. (I know you are all thinking, "Gee, how exciting talking about shirt lengths.") Ryan has this thing about his shirts not hanging too long because he doesn't want them to look like a dress but that they can't be so short that his snap on his jeans shows either. Believe me, we have had many a battle on a morning when the shirt doesn't meet the specific criteria. Who knew boys cared so much? He and Tom were talking this weekend about it and Tom told him that if he thought his shirt was too long that he could always tuck it in like Daddy did sometimes. Ryan gave Tom a completely "teenager" look, shook his head and said, "Dad, I love you, but...I just have to be me." And with that the conversation was over. I mean, what else do you say to that? I love how randomly grown up his statements are sometimes and have to laugh when he is exercising his right to independence.

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