Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy # 12....well "Almost 13"

Today, Courtney is 12. It is hard to believe that this many years have gone by. She is just as spirited as the day she was born. She came out right on her due date 12 years ago, and although she doesn't get everywhere on time today, she still attacks things with purpose, independence and spirit just like she always has.

She started her day off today by sleeping in since there was no school. This was one of her top priorities for today since sleeping in doesn't happen very often anymore. Grandma & Grandpa called and invited her to clam chowder lunch at Captain Ron's at the beach, so we left here around 11:30 and headed to the rainy coast. Lunch was great and then of course it was off for a quick trip to the mall. Courtney has enough clothes to probably never wear the same thing twice for an entire month, but she really "needed" to shop for some long sleeve shirts. (Nevermind that half of what she looked at had short sleeves! :)) After stopping at all the hot spots at the mall, it was time to head home and meet up with Tom for dinner. Dinner was nothing fancy, a quick Wendy's dinner, because Courtney had practice for "Peter Pan" at Gallery tonight. I had baked 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies earlier today to share with the cast of 45, so they all sung "Happy Birthday" to her and enjoyed a little treat. I tell you, those cookies were gone in less than 10 minutes flat!

Once we got home from practice, she finally got to open her gifts....MORE clothes! We also enjoyed some ice cream from Coldstone. It was a fun day!!

This weekend we will host 6 girls for a party at Safari Sam's and then a pizza party and sleepover here. I'll let you know Sunday what a "terrific" idea that was. It sounded fun while I was planning it, but as it gets closer, the idea of 7 GIRLS having a sleepover is sounding less than appealing. :) They are all good kids, so I'm sure it will be fun. But, at noon on Sunday it will all be a memory...happy ones of course...and time to kick back and relax.

Courtney is now "almost 13" according to her. This has been her tradition every year on her birthday that she is almost the next year old. Maybe this will stop once she reaches 29??? Anyway, happy #12 (or almost 13) Courtney and many, many more.


Growing Good Golfers said...

Happy Birthday Courtney. I can't believe that she is 12.

Paige Lomas said...

What a great sounding birthday! I hope it all turned out OK. sure do grow up fast!

Judy said...

So do tell us how the sleepover went!!! And when is the Peter Pan production? I've got 2 Peter Pan lovers at my house!!!