When I picked her up, she had a big smile on her face. She said she had a great day and loved all of her teachers. She was a little bummed that she didn't end up having classes with any of her closest friends, but they will have lunch together(in a cafeteria which she has never done before since their elementary school had to eat in their classrooms). She is excited to see what activities Middle School has to offer and just take in the experience.
We dropped her off with some friends (and some parents) to the High School football game on Friday night. It was so funny because when we picked her and her friend up, we asked how the game was. Her reply was, "I don't know much about the game, but it was fun seeing friends and talking the whole time!" Ahhh, takes you back to when we were younger and did those kinds of things too...just to be seen. :) The life of a tween...
Here is a view of my kindergartener only 6 years ago:
And now....she is growing up and heading off to Middle School:
Ohhhh, I remember those pigtails well!!! Btw, Ryan did great today! :)
I love that she is in pink in both pictures! Also, I totally remember that sweet little girl as a Kinder! It seems just like yesterday! I am sure she is having the time of her life...didn't we have a blast in middle-school...jr. high? I remember you Michelle from 3rd grade...to high school! These are the years she is going to remember! Fun!
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