Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Look Daddy! It's the Grand Nebula!"

Ryan is constantly amazing us with his knowledge of various landmarks from different countries such as the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids in Egypt, and our personal favorite...The Leaning Tower of Pisa. (Ryan once was in Fred Meyer shopping with me and saw a picture of the Leaning Tower that a lady was holding and he said "Look Mommy! It's the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy!" The lady did a quick doubletake when she realized this was a 4 year old who was recognizing this famous landmark.) Well tonight was no exception. We were leaving Grandma & Grandpa's house and he skips out to the car with Tom and notices how bright the moon is. He says to Tom "Look Daddy! There's the moon. Oh, oh and look Daddy! It's the Grand Nebula!" After Tom picked his jaw up off the driveway, he asked how Ryan knew what the Grand Nebula was. He said "Oh Daddy, it's from Little Einsteins (a very popular Disney preschool series on TV). Grand Nebula is a big star." We decided on the way home, who needs school?? We'll just set Ryan up with the DVD series of "Little Einsteins" and let him learn all about music, geography and science from them.

Ryan's other favorite terms from "Little Einsteins" are adagio, moderato, and allegro. He likes to listen to music and tell if it is "happy or sad songs" based on how fast the music is played. If it is allegro (or fast) it is declared happy music. If it is adagio (or slow) it is a sad song and if it is moderato it doesn't really feel "anyfing". This boy is wise beyond his years! Can't wait to see and hear what else he comes up with!

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